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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁教五四制版八年级下册Section B 3a-3b下载详情
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【教学方法】Blackboard, Recorder, Multimedia


Step1: Leading – in

At first the teacher asks two groups to show free talk and ask : “Which group is more polite?” What do you think of them?and tell the students“Being polite shows charm.”

(设计意图:通过free talk,以同学们熟悉的情景为话题,自然而然导入本课话题—small talk,不仅激发学生兴趣,自然而然的教授了新词,更为后面新知识的学习营造说英语的环境,为接下来的学习打下基础。)

Step 2: Pair work

(1)Skim the passage and read the first sentence of each paragraph from an article about small talk.Match each paragraph with a heading below(1—5).If you can’t finish it,you can discuss in groups.

A.____ B______ C______ D______ E________


Step3: Scanning

T: Here is a passage. Let’s listen and look at the topic sentences.In which paragraph do you expect to find the answer to the following questions.

Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

(1)Play the recording for the students and let them look at the topic sentences and answer the questions.

Para______:What do people often talk about in England?Why?

Para______:How does small talk make other people feel?

Para______:What kind of people use small talk in their jobs?

Para______:Which common questions in China might not be right for other countries?

Para______:Which rules of small talk are the same in most cultures?

Para______:Where do people often make small talk?

If you don’t finish it,you can discuss in pairs.

Check the answers together.


Step 4:Careful reading.

This time you should read as carefully as you can and fill in the blanks.

Small talk is ______________ that helps people pass the time.

Empty silences often make us_________.You can make small talk when __________ at an airport or bus stop.Small talk is a ________ _________.Business travelers make small talk before d_______serious business.Workers in shops or restaurants also find small talk h______ when they are ______________.

Things we should not discuss can also _______ culture.In China,we can ask people if they are m_____ or w____ they have children.However in many western countries,they should be a______.We should usually discuss safe subjects like the weather.

Let’s share the answers and the important phrases that you think.
