师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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T:Hello,boys and girls!In a few days we will have a three-day holiday,do you know why we have the holiday?

Ss:Because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.

T:Yes.Now let’s watch a video to know more about the festival.


Can you tell me why we celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival?

Ss:To honor Qu Yuan.

T:Well done.What other traditional festivals do you know?Look at the pictures and tell me.(出示中国传统节日图片,让学生说出节日名称)

T:This lesson we will learn how to write a composition about festivals.

Step Two:Showing learning aims and let the students know what we should learn in this lesson.

Step Three:Showing a mind map.


Name of the festival,when and where

Name of the festival,when and where

Step Four Draw an outline for writing.

What people do and eat

What people do and eat

1.The beginning ______________________________________

Why you like it and how it makes you feel.

Why you like it and how it makes you feel.

2.Main content _____________________.

3.The ending ___________________________________________


Step Five:Make the sentences more beautiful.

Show two sentences,ask the students to change some words or phrases in them.

Turn simple sentences into compound sentences.


Step Six:Show the model composition

Let the students read the model composition,and pay attention to the red phrases,make them know that they should add some conjunction words to their compositions in order that their compositions will be more excellent.


Step Seven:Practice writing.