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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 2a—2e下载详情
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Free talk

what are you allowed to do at home why 1to share a conversation between a kid and mom with the??whole class2to talk about the family rules


to let students read through the passage and fill in the blanks

1) How old is Liu Yu ?

2) Where is he from?

3)What's his hobby?

4) What decision does he want to make?

4.Read again

to read the passage very quickly and find the answers to the questions

to ask the students to read and find out the main idea for each paragraph.


to guide the student to divide the passage into two parts

students will read and tell the main ideas and then they will divide the passage into two parts and find out the reasons

6. Discussion

to present to some questions and lead students to find the supporting details,

the his parents support around as his hobby do his parents allowed him to be a professional runner. does he agree with them,what attitude does he have towards parents?

7. Further think

to get students to further think about the question.

Should he listen to his parents or hold on to his own dream?

W What advice do you want to give up near you and his parents?

to share teachers' opinions with the students.

to find out the supporting details for each questions.

to work in pairs to discuss the question and share ideas with the

whole class. to give the advice to both Liu Yu and his parents

Share your life experience.

Do you often have a disagreement with your parents what kind of disagreement ?

How do you usually deal with it after this lesson?

What will you do to serve the disagreement?

9.Share the sayings

