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师梦圆小学英语教材同步牛津上海课标版一年级下册Things I like下载详情
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T: Class begins.

Ss: Stand up.

T: Good morning, students.

Ss: Good morning, Cici.

T: OK! Do you want to sing a song first?

Ss: Yes!

T: OK! Are you ready?

Ss: Go!(伴随手势)


T: Wow! You’ve done a very good job!

So, how are you today?

Ss: I’m wonderful, and you?

T: I’m pretty good! OK, sit down, please.

Ss: Thank you, Cici.以歌曲导入,有利于学生快速进入课堂氛围。歌曲视频Lead-in

(2 min)T: Everybody, look outside How’s the weather today?

Ss: It’s sunny.

T: Yes! It’s a sunny day. Do you want to go for an outing with me? (outing:郊游)


T: Very good! Today, let’s go for an outing by cars. (拿出四种小汽车). Look! Here are four cars with different colors, red, blue, green and yellow. Each group has one car to take you to the outing. Let’s see which car runs fastest today. If you are active and answer my questions correctly, your car will move forward one step. And the winner will earn 5 yuan after class. So, are you ready?

Ss: Yes!

T: Now, let’s get ready to go for an outing.利用新颖有趣的导入方式,并强调小组比赛形式,使学生被吸引并提高学习兴趣,快速融入课堂,并关注知识重点。板书,评比跑道,四个小车。Presentation

(30 min)(1)(拿出一个小盒子,里面装满食物冰箱贴)

T: Before we are leaving, we need to do some preparation for today’s outing, right? Look! Here is a box! And Cici has put all your favorite food, drinks(饮料), fruit(水果)and toys(玩具)in the box. Let’s see together, what’s in it?


Ss: Apple, cola…

T: Perfect job! Now, do you remember all the words? Let’s check it together!


T: Good! That is all what we will take for today’s outing. Now, look! Here are four picnic blankets (野餐布) on the blackboard. One is for food, and this one is for drinks, and fruit, and this one is for toys. Now, Cici needs some help! I need someone to help me put the food on this blanket, and drinks on this one, fruit on this one, and toys on this one. Understand?

Ss: Yes!

T: Yes! Very good! So the first one, what about juice? Who can come here and put it on the blanket?