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师梦圆小学英语教材同步粤人版三年级起点三年级下册Lesson 2下载详情
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B. Review:

What’s that? It’s a....

Is that a....? Yes, it is. It’s a.......

Step 2: Presentation

Lead-in :Share some beautiful rooms with students’ pictures

T: Whose room? What can you see in the room? Is it nice? Now

suppose it’s Saturday today, we are going to Tony’s home.

2.Now let’s go and think what you can see in the room (have ss to watch the story first).

3. Help Ss understand the story by showing three questions:Is that a blue desk? Is that a blue chair? What’s that? T says: What can you see in the room? Now look at three questions and check the answers.

4. Show pictures in the story and review the dialogues.

5. Give students a task: give them a task to read it loudly in one minute.

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Step 3: Practice

1. Play a game: Test your memory.

Have Ss to say out the missing part.

2. Play a bomb game(Have Ss choose the number they like and read the corresponding sentences).

Step 4:Production

1. Role play(practice the dialogues).

After playing a bomb game, let Ss act out the story.

T: Now, you will be Tony , Gogo ,a white cat or a green cat. Are you ready? First, let’s see a model.

Have Ss choose the role they like to act out the story in groups.

2. Do some exercises: Complete the story and read the story.

3. Emotional education: Let Ss compare some rooms. Tell them: We should keep our room tidy and clean.

Step 5: Summary

Read the dialogues in groups again.

Step 6: Homework.

1. Share your bedroom in English.

2. Share good habits to others.