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师梦圆小学英语教材同步粤人版三年级起点三年级下册Lesson 3下载详情
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1.Asking about and answering the location of household things;

2.Using declarative sentence to describe and write about the location of household things.

Difficult points

Using mind map to describe the location of things logically.

教学阶段教学过程设置意图热身Sing a song: Baby’s Clothes

T: Hello, everyone. Today, we are going to review Unit5 Clothes. At first, let’s sing a song, OK? Stand up and do the action please.

Q: Do you like a red hat? Do you like blue socks?

歌曲热身,激发兴趣,为接下来的学习做铺垫并激活学生已知的名词。导入Show the picture of an empty room

T: I like socks, and I like oranges socks. But I don’t have orange socks, so I need to buy some. Here is an empty room, we need to pass three tasks to get the coins. 导入任务情境。新授Task1 Bomb game

Look and read the words. Ask students to pay attention to the plural form and spell those words.

Task2 Sharp eyes

Listen and choose

There is a contrast between the two pictures. Students should listen to the tape and choose the right one.

Finding something

The teacher shows a picture of a room. Students have 5 seconds to memorize the location of household things, and then answer some questions.

Task 3 Guessing game

S1 chooses and hides a piece of clothes, S2 touch and guess the location. The rest students chant and ask.通过游戏的形式引导学生复习本单元的重点词汇,单词拼读帮助学生明晰名词单复数的区别。




1. Decorate your room

(1) As groups, each student chooses one tag and sticks it on their own pictures. Then, students answer the questions “What do you like?” “Where is/are...” to finish the survey.

(2)Group leaders report the survey.

★2. Finish the mind map

The teacher shows her room and uses the mind map to describe the location of household things.

At first, the teacher adds big things to the mind map as first-level branches.

Then, the teacher adds small things as second-level branches. Link the first and second level branches by prepositions.

Next, students finish their own mind maps.

At last, according to the mind map, make sentences and write a passage. 综合操练,与课堂导入相呼应。
