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五年级下册(2015年1月第1版)《Lesson 10 Does she always come before six thirty?》教案下载-晋江市优质课

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2. Enable students understand helping others is happy thing. If people help each other, countries help each other, our world will become better and better .

Teaching method

活动教学法 情境教学法

Teaching tools:

PPT, 数字课堂


Step 1 Warm-up

T: Hello! Boys and girls .Nice to meet you!


T: Do you know this story?师用英文简要介绍这个故事然后问学生What do you think of 司马光?

Ss:He is clever/smart/good at thinking/helpful…(设计意图:利用学生熟知的故事引入本课,激发学生的兴趣)

Today we have two new friends ,Miss Rabbit and M r Fox .M r Fox is also clever ,smart and helpful .Do you want to know why Today we will learn Lesson 10 Miss Rabbit and M r Fox(板书课题)

Step 2 presentation

1、Read the story .answer the questions:

A. Who is crying?

B. Who help Miss Rabbit?


2. Show a picture

Q1: What can you see in the picture?

Q2: Where are they? Please guess.


Q3: Suddenly they hear someone crying. (伴随help的叫声)

讲解hear someone crying 拓展:师说生做hear someone singing, hear someone laughing

What does Miss Rabbit cry and how? 指导朗读“Help, help”读出情感。假设情景:A hungry tiger is running after you ,it wants to eat you ,How will you cry? (设计意图:帮助学生进入真实的情景,感受小白兔喊救命时的语气和情感)

3. Read paragraph one and two

T: What does Miss Rabbit say to MISS Fox and his friends?

T: What does Miss Fox and his friends say to Miss Rabbit?

出示答案HI, M r Fox, please help me.

Oh, Miss Rabbit . Don’t worry. We will help you .讲解Don’t worry,We will help you.
