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师梦圆小学英语教材同步科普版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 11 When do you usually get up ?下载详情
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Step1、Free talk

T: When do you usually go to school?

How do you usually go to school?

(通过Free talk 获取学生的一些信息,然后转述。为课文的学习做铺垫。)

T: Today we’ll know some information about Mr Brown and Lily.


Introduce Mr Brown and Lily

T: This is Mr Brown and this is Lily.Mr Brown is Lily’s father,So Lily is Mr Brown’s_____________ .

Look and say

T: Here is a picture about them.What do you know from the picture?

Listen, say then read

T: Here is a recording about Mr Brown.Listen carefully.

What do you hear?

Let’s have a look.

Listen and answer

T: Look, What’s the time? What’s Mr Brown doing?

what happened? Let’s listen.

T: Yes, the telephone rings. Who’s that? How does Mr Brown feel?

Guess and listen

T: He talks to her for a minute.

(借助钟表的时针分针学习单词minute及理解短语for a minute)

What can they say?Please guess.

Listen and practise

T: Mr Brown is having lunch.But Lily is having breakfast.How does Mr Brown feel? What do they say? Let’s listen.

Please practise the dialogue in pairs.

What’s the time by Lily’s clock?

(It’s...by my clock.What’s the time bu your clock?帮助学生理解by的意思)

Listen and answer

T: It’s about 12 by Mr Brown’s clock,But It’s about 7 by Lily’s clock.Is Lily’s clock slow? Let’s listen.

This is time difference.Do you know it? What’s the meaning?