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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点五年级上册Revision 1下载详情
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Play a game: “Blowing game”

【设计意图】:与学生简单招呼语后直接进入游戏,通过Blowing game,感知与体会故事情节中的blow,以及huff and puff, 让学生在游戏中体会并熟知生词。

II. While –Reading.

Read the front cover. (遮挡标题及灰太狼的部分)

Q1: What can you see? 引出标题: The Three Little Pigs. 并介绍故事人物:Biggie, Middie, Junior.

Q2: What are they going to do? 猜测故事情节。


Q3: What will happen between the pigs and the wolf?

【设计意图】:通过读封面,让学生边了解故事人物, 边猜测故事将要发生的情节,激发学生对故事的阅读兴趣。为之后的故事发展做铺垫。

Build a house.

T: You thought the big bad wolf will eat the three little pigs. So what will the pigs do to keep the wolf away? --Ss: Maybe they can...

Now, I’ll share you the story. 教师讲故事。

(There are three little pigs. They are Biggie, Middie and Junior. Each pig builds a house to keep the big bad wolf away. Uh ah! Uh ah!

Biggie builds a house with straw.And he says:”The wolf will never come in.” )

T: To keep the big bad wolf away, they_______.

Ss: Build their own houses.

T: And Biggie builds a house with____.

Ss: Straw.

Can you read like this? “Uh ah! Uh ah! The wolf will never come in.”【设计意图】:学生扮演Biggie, 让学生体验建草房子的过程并操练句子。

Listen and answer: Middie builds his house with______. --Wood. 后呈现Middie房子图片和句子。扮演Middie, 体验建木头房子的过程并操练句子。

But how about Junior? Let’s watch.

Junior builds his house with____. --Bricks. And he also builds a fireplace with a chimney.

What do you think of their houses?

【设计意图】:让学生比较三种材质的房子,能用英语表达三种房子的特点:strong/not strong...

The wolf is coming.

老师扮演wolf, Students are little pigs. When the wolf is coming. What will you say?

--T: Then I will huff and puff and blow your house away.

【设计意图】让学生在情境中感受little pigs 的处境,考验学生是否能够机智的应对并解决问题。并在这个过程中教师引出huff and puff and blow your house away,让学生感知。