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Step1. Pre- reading

1 Sing a song “last weekend”, 复习过去式动词短语,引出文本主题。

S: sing the song.

T:就着歌词内容,引出话题, John,Sarah and Amy all had a good time last weekend. But what about Wu Yifan? He took a trip with parents last weekend. He stayed at a hotel. Please look at the pictures and guess which hotel s he stayed?

S: Holiday hotel.

2 看一看,勾一勾

Look at the photo

T:This is Mrs Brown .She works in a hotel .She is a housekeeper .What did she do yesterday ?

Made the beds cooked the food cleaned the rooms

S: She made the bed and cleaned the room yesterday.

3 Teacher introduce : Wu Yifan and his family stayed in a hotel yesterday .It was not a good time .Why not ?

Step2. In-reading

1 The first reading

Ask the students to read the text quickly and then answer

How was Wu Yifan’s stay in the hotel last weekend ?

2 The second reading

Answer : What was the room like ?

解决词汇fixed, Make phrases.

fixed a broken TV/fan/computer/bed/bike...

3 The third reading

Read the whole text and find out

(1)What was his father’s complain and mother’s complain ?

(2)What’s Wu Yifan’s complain ?

Underline the sentences in the text .

(3) Listen and pay attention to the tune and the pronunciation, And circle the past tense words. Finish the table, then use the past tens verbs to finish the filing blank.


Dear sir,

Our weekend at your hotel _____ bad. Our room was big but everything _____ very old. Our friend Robin _____ our room and _____ a broken chair.

My mother ____________ a book but the lamp ______ too small. My dad ______ some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they ______ cold and ______ bad.