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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁教湘教版三年级起点五年级上册Section A下载详情
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1.To make students master the new words and the patterns.

2.To enable students to know how to show somebody the way in English.

3.To cultivate students to enjoy thinking and expressing in

English.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:

1.To make students master the words or phrases: go straight/

turn left/turn right ...

2.To enable students to show somebody the way correctly.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up

Watch the video:chants

Step 2:Lead-in and Presentation

1.Create a situation that I want to read books in the library to lead in and show a picture to let students speak out the

sentence:Where is the library? (to make students understand better and pave the way for the next step.)

T: I want to read books in the library.Where is the library?

T: Today we will learn unit2 Where is the library?

S: Where is the library?

2.Lead in the new words: building/toilet/second.(by showing

PPT to help students understand them directly.)

T: What’s this?

S:It’s a ...

T:It’s a toilet.

T: What’s this?

It’s a building.

T:Look,the toilet is on the second floor.

3.Lead in the new words and patterns: Go straight and then

turn left/right. (PPT and TPR teaching methods to teach.)

T: Where is the toilet?(shown on ppt)

T: Go straight and then turn left.

S: Go straight and then turn left.

T: Where is the park?

S: Go straight and then turn right...