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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁教湘教版三年级起点六年级下册Section A下载详情
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Mum and I will go to see that film on Mother’s Day.

Teaching activity:

Ask students to talk bout their mother’s hobbies,favourite food ,fruit ,colour and clothes. Talk about what they will buy for their mum.Let the students discuss in group and choose the best gift.

Teaching aids:

Multimedia computer ,Teaching wall chart, word cards ,photos

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warm-up.


T: Good morning , everyone . How is the weather like ,today?

S: It’s sunny.

T: It’s a fine day today. What day is it today?

S: It’s Friday.

T: Let’s sing a song together. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

2. Talk something about your mom .Show them pictures about Mother’s Day .Talk about mum’s favorite things.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Present the new words by pictures. Study the new words: hey,actress,Mother’s Day, actor, greatest,hat ,choice,handbag.

2.Practice the new words,read the words together.

3Present the new structures: Is she your mum’s favourite singer? Yes, she is ./No,she isn’t. Write the title on the blackboard.

4.Ask students to read the words and structures.

5.Study the dialogue. Watch the video, listen to the tape ,and answer the following questions:

①Does Zhang Jia’s mum like music ?

②What will Zhang Jia buy for her mum ?

③What will Wang Li do on Mother’s Day ?

6.Analyze the text.Ask students to read the structures.

7.Role-play the conversation.

①Read after the teacher.

②Devide them into two groups to read the dialogue.

③Ask two students to act the dialogue.

Step 3 Practice

Work in pairs