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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点四年级上册Part A下载详情
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Teaching procedure:

Step 1. warm-up

Greetings and ask some questions.

T:Hello,boys and girls! Nice to meet you! How are you? I’m so happy today,Are you happy? Let’s sing a song.( Hello, How are you?)Please answer my questions.

1.What day is it today?

2.What subjects do you have this morning?

3.What subject do you like?

4.Do you like to play games?

Step 2. Presentation


Write the title “Unit 8 Boys like to play ball.”on the blackboard.

Learn some new words:run, swim, play basketball,jump rope,dance,sing songs.

T:Let’s learn some new words.Look at me, what do I do? (Do some actions and correct the prounciation), then practice the sentence “I like to run. What do you like to do?”write down on the paper.

The same way to learn these words:swim, dance, jump rope,play basketball,sing songs.

Step 3. Practice

Use different ways to read the words.

T:I say “jump rope”.When I point to other pictures, you say “jump rope”,when I point to“jump rope”,you should

say“jump rope”loudly.

2. Watch the video and do some actions.

3. Play a game: Find verbs.

Ask some students to have a competition in groups.

Step 4. Extension


Prepare the papers with words, ask some students to choose one they like.Other students guess what they like , using the sentenses “Do you like to ...?Yes, I do. No ,I don't.”

Do a survey “I am a reporter”.(What do you like to do? Do you like to...?)

T:This time I am a reporter. Let me interview some of you, who wants to have a try?

Step 5. Summary (Let’s chant)

What do you like to do?

I like to run.