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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点五年级下册Part C下载详情
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1. Let’s learn部分的词汇卡片。

2. Let’s learn more部分的教学挂图。

3. Let’s learn more部分的教学音频。

Teaching method:

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Teaching process:

一、 Leading In


教师拿出所准备的Let’s learn部分的词汇卡片,请一位学生上台后,教师背对全班学生,向该学生随机出示卡片,要求该生看卡片做表情或动作,请台下学生猜词汇。

T: Is he / she ... ?

Ss: Yes. / No.

T: How is he / she feeling now?

Ss: He / She is very ... ( Because she can / can’t...)


T: What is your mother?

S1: She is a / an ...

T: Is she happy / sad / angry / tired at home?

S1: Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. She is ...

T: What about your father?

S1: ...

T: Are you helpful at home?

S1: ...

二、New presentation

(1)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more

1. 教师承接上一环节,出示Su Nan和Colin的图片,并向学生作介绍:

T: Look! This is Su Nan. He is a good boy.He is helpful at home. And this is Colin. He is late for class, so Miss White is very angry. Now, let’s talk about the two pictures.

(1)教师出示Let’s learn more第一部分的挂图:

T: What can you see in the picture ?

Ss: I can see Su Nan and his mom.

T: Yes. Su Nan’s mom is very tired and thirsty after work. So, what is Su Nan doing?