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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)六年级下册Unit 2 What do you want to eat?下载详情
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T: These foods look delicious. What do you want? (Ask one student.)

S1: I want ```

T: What do you want?

S2: I want```

T: And what do you want to eat?

S3: I want```

Lead in.

T: And what about Simon and his father? What do they want?Let’s watch!

(Students watch the CD-ROM and answer.)

S: Simon’s dad wants some meat, and Simon wants a hot dog, with lots and lots of chees.

T: Boys and girls, can you guess what does Simon’s dog want to eat?

S: This little dog wants both.

Ⅱ. Task presentation.

T: Boys and girls, today’s task is to continue to design our own menus, and then choose the best one. (Students can read the Chinese to understand the task.)

Ⅲ. Text teaching.

Introduction of the background.

T: Well, everyone, please look at this picture. Who’s in this picture?

(Teacher shows a picture of a restaurant in which Lingling and her father is talking with a cashier.)

S: Lingling, Lingling’s dad and a cashier.

(At the same time, teacher hangs the pictures on the blackboard.)

T: Where are they?

S: They are in the restaurant.

T: Yes! And what do they want? Let’s watch the video!

(Play the CD-ROM, and then answer the question.)

S: They want noodles, a cola, a hamburger and milk.

T: Good boy!

Read and answer questions.

(Teacher shows the questions and students answer.)

Q: What does Lingling’s dad want to eat and drink?

What does Lingling want to eat and drink?
