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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)四年级下册Lesson 3下载详情
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Understand the main idea of the story, then read and act out the story with emotion.

3. Understand the moral of the story: Be honest rather than clever.

Teaching focus:

Enable students to understand the new vocabulary and sentence structure.

Enable students to understand the main idea of the story.

Predicated area of difficulties:

1. Enable students to act out the story with emotion.

2. Enable students to understand the moral of the story.

Teaching aids: PPT, word cards, pictures.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warm up and lead in:


【设计意图】通过师生相互介绍,适度铺垫故事中的一些生词,如clever, soft,

light, clothes等。

2. Practice the sentence pattern: I’m wearing …

Look and guess: What is the man wearing?

Perhaps/Maybe he’s wearing …

Teach: king, rich, The king isn’t wearing any clothes.

【设计意图】通过游戏中的服饰类词汇自然过渡到句型I’m wearing …,进而引

出本课主人公the king,引导学生对这张人物图片提出自己的疑问,如: Who’s he? What does he like? 等。接着引导学生根据图片描述一下这位国王:He’s old. He looks fat.等,以激活并训练学生现有的语言表达能力。而A king must be very rich.是大家的共识,教学完rich一词后提问富有的国王为何没穿衣服,以此激发学生强烈的阅读欲望,从而引导学生带着问题进入课文的学习。

Step2 Presentation and practice:

Task 1 Watch and answer: What does the king like?

【设计意图】通过观看动画故事,培养学生整体理解故事大意的能力。接着引导学生看图回答问题:Who can make new clothes for the king? Two men.

2. Task 2 Imagine and imitate: 1) Watch and imagine:

: My king, we can make … for you. …

: … , make … for me.

2) Listen and imitate.

【设计意图】同桌设想一下这两个人可能会为国王做什么样的新衣,然后通过模仿跟读来理解Clever people can see the clothes. 和Foolish people can’t see them.这两句话,从句意对比中自主理解生词 foolish的含义,以培养学生联系上下文猜测特定语境中词义的阅读能力。

3. Task 3 Read and match: How about the other people’s idea?

The king isn’t wearing any clothes.