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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)六年级上册Lesson 2下载详情
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B: T: Hello ! I’m Sweety. What’s your name ? Can you tell me which city is the capital of China ?

T: I think BJ is a big city.What about you ?

C: T:Boys and girls.Do you like travelling ?

T: I like travelling ,too. I’ve been to BJ. What about you ?

Step Two : Presentation.

A:T:Among these cities.I like Wuhan best.Wuhan is my favourite city.It has got lots of interesting places to visit,such as East Lake,Guiyuan Temple,ChangJiang River and Wuhan University.Wuhan is famous for these places.Can you tell me what is Wuhan famous for ?

S:Wuhan is famous for...

T: Among these interesting places,Yellow Crane Tower is the most popular.Because many poets wrote some famous poems about Yellow Crane Tower and many foreigners took some photos with Yellow Crane Tower,So ..

S: Yellow Crane Tower is the most popular.

T: I think you’ll have a good time in these interesting places.Wuhan is a big city.But it’s not the biggest city in China.Can you guess which city is the biggest city in China? Beijing or Shanghai ?

S1: I think ...is the biggest city in China. S2:..

T: Now, Let’s look ! Oh, Shanghai is the biggest city in China.

B:T:Today ,I’ll introduce two new friends to you,Mary and Tom.They come from Australia and the UK.Do you want to go to their countries?


T:Let’s go with them .First Let’s go to Australia with Mary.Please listen and think about these two questions.

1.Which city is the biggest in Australia ?

2.What’s the most popular in Sydney?

T:Now let’s listen again and think What is Sydney famous for ?

(After listening and answering the question ?

T: Ok!Now.please open your book to page 29 and read this text and tick true or false. (Check the answer and read the text)

C: T: Sydney and Wuhan are beautiful cities.Right ? How about the UK.Let’s go with Tom.He wants to tell us sth about his country! Please listen and think.Where can you go and visit in London?


T: Now let’s listen again and make some choices.

T: Now open your book to page 30 ,listen to 6 questions and number the answer.

Step three:Conclusion

T:Boys and girls,today we go to Wuhan,Sydney and London,They are all “Big cities” in the world.Please read the text and intruduce your favourite city to your friends after class,Ok?

T : You can go and visit many interesting cities during your holidays, your life will be more colourful. That’s all for today.Goodbye Class.

S: Good bye,teacher.[设计意图] 音乐开场,活跃气氛。

[设计意图] 通过和学生的free-talk复习巩固之前所学句型。

[设计意图] 引入学生最熟悉的武汉,教授句型..is famous for…,..is the most popular..,并且引入有关武汉的著名景点,进行一定的文化渗透。