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3. Emotion goal: Establish students’ national spirit by talking about the weather in different cities.

Ⅴ. Key points and difficult points

1. Key point:Use the words and phrases to describe different weather at present and in the future.

2. Difficult point: 1) Word “be” should be used before sunny, windy, cloudy when we talk about the weather tomorrow. 2) How to talk about seasons and weather in different cities.

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up

Demonstration: Students sing a weather song and have a brainstorm to get down into learning English.

Sing a song: How’s the weather?

Brainstorm: Can you say some words about weather?

【Purpose】 Make students relax and arouse their knowledge about weather. Strengthen their interest in studying English

Step 2 Practice

Demonstration: In this part, students have four tasks to do. Task one is the phonics which is the part of “Listen and repeat” on page 58 of the textbook. Task two is a dialogue which is the part of “Let’s talk” on page 58 of the textbook. Li Ming and Danny will go to the zoo, so they talk about the weather in Beijing. Task 3 is a weather report. Students watch a video about today’s weather report, talk about the weather tomorrow according to the temperature, clothes or activities, then try to be a weather reporter to report today and tomorrow’s weather. Task four is to talk about the weather in Xinjiang and Kunming. Students watch a cartoon about Xinjiang and guess where it is, read a passage about Kunming and guess what city it is. The cartoon about Xinjiang is the part of “Try yourself” which is on page 60 of the textbook. They will realize that different places have different weather by talking about the weather in Beijing, the weather in other cities and the weather in Xinjiang and Kunming.

[Task 1] Listen and repeat.

Read the words and find out the spelling rules.

1) words with “y”: sunny windy cloudy rainy snowy foggy

2) words with “u”: sunny Sunday sun run fun mum

3) words with “l”: like look leg long

4) words with “s”: sunny snow swim yes

【Purpose】 Make students find out the simple spelling rules so that they can read and write the words more effectively with the learning strategies.

[Task 2] Let’s talk—Weather in Beijing

1) Ask, watch and answer

Teacher shows the picture of Li Ming and Danny talking near the window and says, “Look! Li Ming and Danny are talk about something near the window. Do you have any questions?” Students ask, “What they are talking about? How’s the weather today/tomorrow?” Then the teacher gives another question, “When can Li Ming and Danny go to the zoo?” Students watch the video and try to find out the answers.

2) Let’s look back

3) Read in roles then act out the dialogue.

【Purpose】 Help students understand the dialogue and talk about the weather in real language atmosphere. Develop students’ thinking skills and language skills.

[Task 3] Watch and report—Weather in other cities

1. Talk about the weather today.

Watch a video and pay attention to the weather in Harbin, Shanghai, Kunming, Sanya and Lhasa today, then test the students’ memory.

2. Talk about the weather tomorrow.

Students guess the weather according to the temperature, clothes and activities, then talk about the weather tomorrow in Harbin/Shanghai/Kunming/Sanya/Lhasa. The teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard, then asks students what they can find from these sentences.