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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁科五四学制版五年级上册Lesson 3 They were active in class.下载详情
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This is a reading teaching class. Students of Grade Five are interested in it. They are active in class and eager to express their opinions. In lesson 1 and lesson 2, they have learned how to describe their teachers’ appearance or the character. It’s not difficult for them to read and understand the text. But it is really a challenge to talk about their emotion .

Ⅳ. Teaching goals:

1. Knowledge goal:

1) All the students can read the text fluently. 2)All the students can read and say the following words and sentences: pupil, ago, active, but, naughty and smart. They were active in class. They were in his class ten years ago. The girls were thin then. They were smart. 3) Most of the students can read and understand the story《A Great Teacher》with the aid of a video and pictures.

2. Ability goal:

1) Most of the students can describe the person’s character and appearance in the past tense.

2) Most of the students can use the correct strategy to read a passage properly.

3. Emotion goal:

Call out students’ love for their teachers and school.

Ⅴ. Key points and difficult points

1. pupil, ago, active, but, naughty and smart. They were active in class. They were in his class ten years ago. The girls were thin then. They were smart.

2. Use the words, phrases and sentences to describe the person’s character and appearance in the past tense.

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greetings.

2. Free talk: When is Teachers’ Day?

What do you do for your teachers on teachers’ day?

What do you say?

Who is your favourite teacher?

What’s he/she like?

2. Revision:

Who is Danny’s favourite teacher?

What’s she like?

Look at the picture and say:

Who is the man in the photo? What was Mr Wang like then?

He was…( young, old , tall, short, fat, thin, kind, strict, long, short...)

His hair was…

What about now? what is he like now?

He is…

His hair is…