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师梦圆小学英语教材同步鲁科五四学制版五年级下册Try yourself.下载详情
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培养学生礼貌用语,高情商,鼓励学生发散思维,在各种情境下多使用magic words。



从故事文本中根据教师提出的问题找到The Magic words。


在各种情境下使用magic words.


Step 1 Warm up:

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very happy to be here. Are you happy?

Now, attention please. It’s my show time! Watch carefully! A rose!

(走向学生) girl, do you like the rose? Here you are. You should say “thank you” “you are welcome!”wa, you got a magic flower. Here is a magic tree.

Step 2 导入:

Do you like my magic show?

Here is a magic tree.

Step 3故事呈现

图一:Watch carefully, please! What’s the tree like? It has … it’s…


评价:Yes, just like our humans. It’s tall and strong. It’s old, just like our grandfather.

Listen, the tree said to the boy,放录音I am a magic tree.” Oh, it’s a magic tree. Why is the tree magic? Why? what’s the magic? Can you guess?

学生回答:He can talk. He has mouth. He has eyes.

评价:Well done, you all have a good guessing. Full of imagination.

Then the tree said to the boy:放录音“say the magic words, and you will see.” Magic words. Children, what would you say, if you were the little boy? Have a guess. Who wants to come here, and talk to tree? 学生回答:You are beautiful! You are strong. You are so kind!

评价:Oh, no. it didn’t work. Oh sorry, it didn’t work.

图二:oh, children, you tried many words. But it didn’t work. Just like you, the boy tried many words, but it didn’t work. 放录音“the boy tried many words, but they didn’t work.”讲work单词卡,拿出包来,试试拉链。老师说,oh, no, the zipper didn’t work. Wow, it’s difficult for the boy to say the right magic words. So, what’s the magic words? Listen,放录音“please, dear tree. Then the door opened.”

德育:boys and girls, please is a magic word. It's very useful. When we need help, we need to say please to others. Ok?

Now, go on our story. When the boy said: please deer tree, a door opened in the tree. But, look. it was dark inside.单词卡展示dark inside

图三 How did he feel now? What would he do next? 学生回答:进去,不进去,点火,点蜡烛。

评价:Maybe it’s not a good idea. It’s not right to light the fire in the forest. It’s very dangerous. Think more, then do it. Ok? 教育孩子做正确的事。

Now,listen, the tree said:放录音“say the magic words, please, the tree had opened the door for the boy”. So, what magic words should the boy say? 学生猜:Thank you. You’re very kind. You’re very helpful. You help me. Yes, the boy said: thank you. That’s the magic word. Then what happened next? Look. 放视频:“with this, it ….”

贴板书At last, the boy said thank you. The magic word. 放录音It turned bright inside the tree and the boy saw a lot of toys. 单词卡讲bright。学生一起重复一遍。