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师梦圆小学英语教材同步北师大版三年级起点三年级上册lesson 4 Get it Right下载详情
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1. To say the names and the sounds of the letters “Ss”, “Tt”, “Uu”, “Vv”.

2. To say the related words of “Ss”, “Tt”, “Uu”, “Vv”.


Multi-media & cards


Step I. Lead-in


T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you.

Enjoy a song: Alphablocks

T: Let’s have fun with phonics today. First, let’s enjoy an alphabet song: ABC Song with Peppa.

Let’s meet a new friend: Briar Bear. Teacher guides students to find four letter friends of Briar Bear who are lost in the forest.

T: Thank you, boys and girls. I like letters. Do you like letters?

Ss: Yes!

T: This is our friend Briar bear. He likes letters too. He has 26 letter friends, but four of them are lost in the forest. Can we help him to find them? Let’s go!

【设计意图】视听引领,情境创设:通过一首简单欢快的字母歌,帮助学生复习26个字母的名字。并且创设了帮助熊大寻找字母朋友的情境,以此引出本节课教学目标 Fun with Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv. 学生在喜闻乐见的视听说过程中进入英语学习的状态。

Step II. Presentation & Practice

Ss is in “snake”

Meet Ss: Teacher shows a picture where is two snakes in the shape of “s” to ask students to find the letter, so that she can help them feel the shape of letter “s”. Then the teacher guides students to find in the picture the snakes and the sun. Teacher teaches the words and guides them to find out that their first letters are both “s”. So we can say the chant “Ss, Ss, Ss, Ss is for sun/snake.”

T: Here we are! Look! Which letter can you see in the picture?

Ss: I can see “Ss”.

T: Great! This is Big S and this is little s. (Teacher uses letter cards to drill the shape of Ss.)

T: Look at the picture, please. What can you see?

S: I can see snakes.

(Teacher teaches and drills “snake” with cards.)

T: We can see “s” in the word “snake”, so we can say “Ss, Ss, Ss, Ss is for snake.”

S: I can see a sun.

(Teacher teaches and drills “sun” with cards.)

T: We can see “s” in the word “sun”, so we can say “Ss, Ss, Ss, Ss is for sun.”

T: Thank you, boys and girls. We find “Ss”. Let’s say “hello” to “Ss”.

S: Hello, Ss!