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师梦圆小学英语教材同步教科EEC版三年级起点五年级上册Class 1 Textbook p.64下载详情
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The first period P64,66 The second period P65,67 音标:[a:] [ε?]

The third period 复习第七单元+一般过去时态的否定句+感叹句 音标:[a:] [ε?]

Lesson 7 : What's He Wearing? Period 1

一、Teaching Objectives:

1. Knowledge objectives:

① Ss are able to listen ,speak, read and write the new words as boots pants glasses wear glasses .

②Ss are able to listen ,speak and read the following words: find jacket easy take it easy

= 3 \* GB3 ③ Ss are able to listen and speak the following words: jeans gray shorts

④ Ss can use the structures below to express their ideas:

What’s the matter ? What’s he wearing ? He’s wearing …….

2. Ability objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

① use the words “boots pants glasses wear glasses” in listening ,speaking, reading and writing.

② use the structures “What’s the matter ? What’s he wearing ? He’s wearing ……." To talk about their ideas in English.

3. Focus of the lesson:

① understanding the dialogue as a whole;

② the students should be able to use the structures “What’s the matter ? What’s he wearing ? He’s wearing ……”to talk about their ideas in English.

4. Predicted area of difficulty:

Some new words are difficult for the students “jeans gray”

二.Teaching methods: Task-based teaching methods、Communicative teaching method、Audio-lingual teaching method

三、Teaching aids: CAI , pictures

四、Teaching Procedures:

Step I :


T: “How are you?” Ss “I’m fine. Thanks. And you?”

T: I’m fine, too. Before our lesson, I must tell you,I have a mysterious friend in our class. Can you guess who he\she is? . let’s have our lesson and I’ll tell you some thread.


(1)use the pictures to review the words about colors .

Eg: red+yellow=orange red+blue=purple

blue+yellow=green red+white=pink