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师梦圆小学英语教材同步教科EEC版三年级起点五年级下册Class 1 Textbook p.44下载详情
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Let’s listen to the tape carefull.

They are preparing for the trip.

1.Listen to the tape picture one carefully and try to answer teacher’s questions.

Are they ready to go ?

Study : yet (yellow-llow +t = yet)

check list

(Read it one by one . Boy and Girl read it. )

1) Listen to the tape picture two carefully and try to answer teacher’s questions.

Did they take your raincoats and umbrellas ?

Study : Don’t worry. (Yes , I did .)

Practice. Did you take your ……and ……?( book \ pencil\ eraser\cap)

Yes , I did . No, I didn’t.

2) Did you take a bear ? Don’t worry . I have a bear.Sandy take raincoats and umbrellas . Just ,Tino will take pictures in Wonder Land . But Tino forgot the camera.

camera ( picture ) forgot—forget—forgot

3) Listen to the tape picture two carefully and try to answer teacher’s questions.

Who has the camera ?

Practice: Who has the ……?

I have the …….

4)They are ready to go . How do they go to there ?

Listen to the tape carefully and try to answer teacher’s questions.

They going to go to the airport.

Study: airport. air + port

2.listen to the tape and follow it to read together.

3.Work in pair read in .


5. Homework:

Choose one homework. You can all do it .

1) Read this dialogue with you partner .

2) Practice?? new? words? and? sentences.
