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八年级上册《Module 1 Amazeing things Unit 1 Encyclopaedias listening &Talk time &speak up》优质课教案教学设计

2. To know how to listen for specific information about “Human Encyclopaedia”.

2. To improve students’ listening and speaking skills

3. To encourage students to develop a habit of reading books in their lives. 教学重点 To use the key words and catch the missing words when listening. 教学难点 Learn to take note quickly when listening. 教法与学法指导 Group work. Self—study 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时间

分配 Step I: Warming up

Step II: Pre- listening

StepⅢ. While-listening

Step IV : Post--listening

1. Do a quiz in groups. know the meaning of the following words :

win and find out

2.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

3. Pay attention to the detailed material of listening.

4. Students can grasp the main ideas by mindmap, and then show time.

5. Discussion.---What do you think of Jane’s success? 1. Let students do the group work and master the meanings of the new words which will be in the listening materials.

2. Let students look at the picture and answer the two questions.

(1) In the picture, which one is Jane Dickinson?

(2) How do you know that?

3.Ask students to listen carefully and complete the notes in books and then check the answers.

4. Let students listen again and draw a mindmap (showing on PPT).

5. After that, let them talk. Later ask some students to show their representation in the front of the classroom.

1.To attract students’ attention in this class.

2.To train the students’ ability of catching the information of the listening materials.

3.To develop the students’ ability of listening and speaking.

4.Develop students’ ability of understand the information and use it correctly and improve their speaking ability.

StepⅤ : Sum up and homework

6.Know how to take notes when doing the listening and encourage them to read books in the life. 6.Use ppt to help them sum up and give them the homework today. 5.Help them to cultivate the ability of summarizing.
