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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版九年级上册More practice ﹠Culture corner:Tom and Becky in the cave; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn下载详情
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《Module 4 A taste of literature Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer More practice &Culture corner Tom and Becky in the cave; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn》公开课优秀教案教学设计(九年级上册)


2. raise questions in a correct way

Thinking quality:

1. raise questions and predict the plot while reading titles

2. act out a scene by using imagination.

Learning ability target:

1. cooperate to analyze the setting, the main plot.

2. know the importance of reading cover and titles of a book

3. give a self-feedback by using a guided-reading card.

Cultural spirits target:

1. recognize the importance of a novel's background knowledge

2 get rough idea about slave's life in the 19th Century Focuses: Lead students to question and think to guide their reading Difficulties: Help students predict the plots based on the titles of the chapters. Methods:

Situational Teaching Method;

Task-based teaching Teaching Aids:

computer, projector, blackboard Teaching procedure: Steps Teaching Activity Students' Activity Teaching Purpose

Step 1


(5mins) 1. Ask students to show a short scene " In the graveyard”from the book of The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

2. Raise questions and lead in the topic today 1.Watch the show and prepared to answer questions

2. answer questions Activate students background knowledge and lead in the topic.

Step 2

The settings

(10 mins)

1. Check the homework

And provide chance to share
