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师梦圆初中英语教材同步教科EEC五四制课标版七年级下册Listen and Speak下载详情
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《UNIT 2 Traveling in China Listen and Speak》最新教研教案教学设计(教科EEC五四学制版七年级下册)

2. How to use the target languages to do some exercises.. 教学目标 学习目标:


the Terracotta Army, the Great Wall ,the Bird’s Nest, the Palace Museum


How long have you been (in)…? Have you visited …?

Have you been to …? Have you seen …? Have you tried …?


4.热爱祖国壮丽河山,做一名自豪的中国人。 教具 ppt 流程

Step1 Greeting and warming up

T: Do you like travelling? Today we’ll learn sth. about travelling. Are you interested in it? Ok, let’s begin.

Step 2 Lead-in

Show a map of china. “ Which place is it?” “ Have you ever been to Beijing?” First, let’s review the famous places in Beijing.

The Great Wall ; the Water Cube; the Peking University; the Palace Museum; the Summer Palace; the Bird’s Nest…

Step 3 Presentation

T: Which province is it? Have you ever been there? What is Shanxi famous for ? Have you visited the Terracotta Army? Shanxi has many kinds of delicious foods. Have you ever tired them?

Step 4 Practice

Do 1a . According to pictures, match the right phrases

Step 5 Listening

1. Show the picture “ What can you see in the picture?” (A Chinese is interviewing a foreigner) “ What are they talking about? Can you guess?”

2. Listen to the tape and finish 1b

3. Listen again and take notes to fill in the chart.

1) How to take notes quickly?

2) What information should we take down?

3) Listen and finish 1c

4. Listen and complete the sentences.