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教科EEC五四学制版九年级下册英语《UNIT 4 Wang Weis Dream Read and Think》集体备课教案教学设计

难点 重点:掌握重点词汇和重要句型的表达,了解课文的篇章布局

难点:能够用有用的句子表达自己的观点。 学情

分析 学生基于三年的学习,对写作有了一定的积累,而初四的阅读课文更贴近生活基于学生对文章内容描述的兴趣,渗透写作技巧,培养学生阅读能力,做到如何与人沟通。 教学方法 任务型教学法,任务型阅读 学法指导 由学生归纳所学习过的知识,并互相考核。

2.小组合作掌握阅读方法。 教学流程 一、预习:熟读翻译课文



2. 导入,看图片问问题:Do you have a dream? What is your dream?


(1).What is the main idea of the passage ?

A.Wang Wei received a letter from a university.

B. How was Wang Wei successful ?

(2).What’s the style(文体) of the passage ?

A. Narration 记 叙 文

B. Exposition 说 明 文

C. Argumentation 议 论 文



In 2014, the hottest man on Earth was an “alien” called Do Min Joon. It is a role played by South Korean actor Kim in the TV play You Who Came From the Stars. With the role, Kim was loved by millions of people in China. This is not the first success for the 26-year-old man. Since he entered the field seven years ago, Kim has won over 20 awards for acting. However, back in middle school, nobody expected that Kim would become an actor. He was so quiet that his mother had to send him to acting school, hoping he could become less shy. He first show on the stage was A Midsummer Night’s Dream in which Kim played a fairy(精灵). For the first show, Kim was still shy and couldn’t look up at the audience. It was not until the last show that he finally got the courage to look into people’ eyes and acted with confidence. Suddenly the World of acting opened the door for him. Hearing the applause, Kim said his tears fell like rain.”As a teenager I never thought what I wanted for the future, but at that moment I knew: I want to be acting. It’s a dream that makes me become brave

6.思考;Why was Wang Wei so successful?

7.延伸:How to Realize our Dream?

作业 分层作业:


2.写一篇作文:My Dream

板书 Unit 4 Getting Along

Clue: A letter-Wang Wei’s dream-an engineer-as a young boy- work hard with others’ faith-be successful