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《Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings.》优质课教学设计(外研版)

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《Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings.》课堂教学教案教学设计(外研版)

听 说 读 写



教学重点 Comparative adjectives 教学难点 Comparative degrees 教法 Communicative/Task-based approach 学法 Group work/pair work/self-study 教具 ppt 学具 Paper ,book 课时 1 课型 Listening and speaking 程序 教师活动 学生行为 设计意图 Step1 warming-up show something exciting,to tell the students how much we love our country. Look at the picture and answer the teacher’s questions. Attract students’ attention ,arouse students’ interest to the new lesson. Step2Lead-in Do a short listening to show a brief understanding of Shanghai and Hong Kong. Listen to the tape and complete the blanks.

Practise listening and lead in the new lesson. Step3 Reading Ask students to read the passage and give them several questions. Read in pairs , try to get the main idea of the passage and find the answers to the questions. Task-based read with the questions , train students’ the ability of catching the main idea of material. Step4Speaking Read the passage in roles.

Try to find the sentences that include Comparative degrees.

Group work to conclude the rules of Comparative degrees.

Practice 1.read the passage in pairs.

2.Find the sentence including Comparative degrees as many as possible.

Conclude the rules of the words. To train students’ pronunciation and speaking ability

2.Grasp better about Comparative degrees. Step 5 Explain the use of the Comparative degrees. Check answers after discussion. Grasp the rules of Comparative degrees. Step6 Guessing game Divide the students into four groups .Choose a number and there will be two pictures and then answer the questions below. Choose number and then try to win the game. Change the way of practice,it will be more challenges for students to finish this step. Step7 summary Sum up the knowledge we have learnt today. Remember the rules of Comparative degrees. To feel and understand the new grammars. Step 7 Homework Write about the differences between your hometown and Beijing. 板书设计 Module 2 unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings.

Shenzhen is bigger than our hometown


Rules:-er GA GB GC GD




Module 2 unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings
