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新世纪版六年级上册英语《Unit Three Food and Drinks Lesson Progress Check 3》集体备课教案教学设计

be able to think logically by finding out the topic sentences.

train the divergent thinking by talking about the supporting details creatively and deeply.

develop the ability to cooperate by evaluate others’ articles.

Teaching procedures:

I. Pre-task

Ask the students to read a passage and make a comment.

II. While task

Ask students to read the passage again and find out the topic sentences.

Ask students to discuss if the topic sentences are related to the title.

Make a conclusion:

Any irrelevant idea will weaken the logic of the passage.

Any overlapped idea will weaken the logic of the passage.

Each sentence you write should focus on the logic of the passage.

Read a passage and find out how the ideas make a passage logically.

Chat with students about some of the topic sentences, to help them think creatively and deeply.

Ask the students to rewrite their articles to develop the title logically.

III. Post task

Peer assessment: make 4 students a group, ask them to evaluate others’ writing according to the writing criteria, find the best article.

Ask some students to show the best articles in their groups and tell the reasons.

IV. Assignment

Polish the passage according to the writing criteria.