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新世纪版英语六年级下册《Appendix II_Comparatives and Superlatives of Adjectives and Adverbs》优秀教案下载

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新世纪版英语六年级下册《Appendix II_Comparatives and Superlatives of Adjectives and Adverbs》优秀教案教学设计

2. Master some sentence structure about Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree.

3. Complete some exercises about what they’ve learnt as correctly as they can.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. To master the sentence structure about Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree.

2. To apply what they’ve learnt to doing some exercises

Teaching Aids:

Mutil-media equipment, learning sheet, PPT素材的选择、制作


Steps Teaching Activities Learning Activities Teaching Purpose Pre-task

preparation 1. Play a song.

视频播放歌曲 1. Enjoy a song. To arouse Ss’ interest. 2. Show some pictures.

媒体展示图片 2. Make sentences according to the pictures. To lead in the topic: Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree. While-task


1. Present some rules for Comparatives and Superlatives. 1. Review some rules for Comparatives and Superlatives. To help Ss memorize the rules for Comparatives and Superlatives. 2. Present the sentence structure about Comparative Degree. 2. Review the sentence structure about Comparative Degree. To help Ss to get familiar with the key words and sentence structure. 3. Show some exercises about Comparative Degree. 3. Do some exercises about Comparative Degree. To consolidate the knowledge they have learned. 4. Present the sentence structure about Superlative Degree. 4. Review the sentence structure about Superlative Degree. To help Ss to get familiar with the key words and sentence structure. 5. Show some exercises about Superlative Degree. 5. Do some exercises about Superlative Degree. To consolidate the knowledge they have learned. Post-task activity 1. Organize a quiz.

PPT进行竞赛 1. Have a quiz. To cultivate Ss’ comprehensive flexible use of knowledge. 2. Summarize the rules and sentence structure.

媒体进行归纳总结 2. Summarize the rules and sentence structure. To recall this lesson. Assignment

1. Learn the rules and some sentence structure for Comparative Degree and Superlative Degree by heart.

2. Do more exercises.

课堂生成情况 学生能够按照PPT的要求,理解课堂活动的要求,积极开展活动,在活动中掌握比较级和最高级的重难点。教师要注意观察学生在活动过程中的各方面表现,并加强重难点的教学和练习,在各个活动中的开展过程中吸收并消化,实现教学目标。师生互动活动开展的还不错,但生生互动方面有所欠缺,今后还要注重引导学生和学生对话。 教学后记 这节课主要是复习形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,教学目的是掌握比较级和最高级的重难点,会使用习得的相关知识点来描述并解题,整个教学过程是通过多媒体来展开的。PPT在英语教学中的应用作用很大,不仅可以作为黑板文字的替代展示,而且还可以将视频、音频、Flash等插入直接播放。PPT的应用技术是英语教学的有效辅助手段,适当的运用有助于提高课堂效率。 学情分析:

本节课的教学内容是新世纪英语六年级第二学期Unit2 Lesson 2和Lesson 3的语法部分,也是本学期的重点,考试中的必考题。考虑到这两课的语法是形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,所以合并在一节课来复习。由于形容词和副词的比较级和最高级是期中考试之前学的,现在已经是期末复习阶段,而我校的生源又决定了大多数学生是不会自己复习的,所以很有必要在课堂上为学生进行系统的专项复习。


Pre-task preparation部分,借助英文歌曲和图片引出本课主题,并要求学生根据图片造句,引导他们回忆比较级和最高级的形式变化规律和主要句型结构。

While-task procedure部分,首先通过单词的变形,帮助学生归纳比较级和最高级的变化规律,然后复习相应的句型结构,并配合练习,巩固知识点,加深对知识点的理解和运用。

Post-task activity部分,通过各小组间举行竞赛的形式,考察学生对本课内容的理解、吸收和运用的能力,最后能够解决问题。
