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师梦圆初中英语教材同步新世纪课标版七年级上册Lesson 3 Introducing Shanghai下载详情
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七年级上册英语《Unit Three Going on Holiday Lesson 3 Introducing Shanghai》获奖说课教案教学设计

understand the text.

learn how to introduce a city.

Ability objectives:

Introduce a city freely from the five elements.

Emotion objectives:

express ideas confidently and clearly.

show love to our city and our country.

Teaching aids:

Multi-media equipments.

Teaching procedure:

Teaching stage Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Purpose Pre-task preparation Show some pictures about the tourist attractions in shanghai. Say the names of the tourist attractions Get Ss involved and review the new words. While-task procedure 1. Ask Ss to listen to the recording of the text.

2.Ask Ss to do true or false questions.

3.Ask Ss to fill in the missing words.

4.Check the Ss’ answers. 1. Listen to the text.

2. Do true or false questions and correct the wrong ones.

3. Fill in the missing words. Let Ss get familiar with text

Help Ss get the detailed information of the text.

Ask Ss to read the text aloud. Read the text aloud. Let Ss get more familiar with the text. Let Ss read the text part by part, and ask what each part tells us.

2.Give Ss some information about Shanghai and let Ss fill in the blanks. 1.Read the text and answer the teacher’s questions.

2.Fill in the blanks.


location,population, area, public transport, tourist attractions.

2.强化五要素对应的信息。 Let Ss give the questions to the five elements. Answer the questions. Lead in the questions to ask the five elements. Give Ss more sentence patterns to introduce a city, then let Ss practice. Work in pairs after the teacher’s demonstration. Extend more sentence patterns to introduce a city. Post-task activities Let Ss make up a dialogue about other cities.

2. Let Ss introduce a city in a passage. 1. Work in pairs and make up a dialogue according to the information given.

2. Introduce a city after the model. Consolidate what they have learned in class by talking about other cities. Assignment: Recite the text.