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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级下册Story time下载详情
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1. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语What are these/those? Are these/those…? 的语调和用法。

2. 名词复数形式的用法。




Step1 Warm up

1.Sing a song---Old Macdonald.


T:How are you today? I am happy to have class with you. Welcome to my class.

Step2 Presentation and practice.

Learn---Welcome to…(Pay more attention to the pronunciation of welcome)

The students say more sentences using “Welcome to…”

Learn the word ---farm, on the farm

Welcome to the farm. Here is a farm. Can you read the word “car”,and try to read f-ar-m. Today, we are going to learn Unit 7 On the farm. Read: on the farm. Here comes an old man. It's the old man's farm.

3. Watch and try to answer the questions: (1) Who is the old man? (2) Who is on the farm, too? After watching, the students answer the questions.

4. Learn and practice the sentences: What are these? What are those?They're ...

(1).T: Liu Tao's grandpa shows them around the farm. First they go to the animals' home. What animals do you know? (Learn the words: chicken, duck.)

(2). Show the pictures. What’s this? It’s a pig.( Learn: a pig.)

What are these? They are pigs. (Learn: they’re)

Learn: noun plurals (s/es)

Pair works to practice “What are these?” They’re...”

Show the pictures and learn: a cow. Then practice the sentences: What are those?They’re...

Work in pairs to practice “What are those?” They’re...”

Learn the chant.

What’s this? It’s a pig. What are these? They are pigs.

What’s that? It’s a cow. What are those? They are cows.

T: All of you did a good job. Here’s a chant for you. Who can try first? ... Let’s chant together.

Let’s make a new chant.

What’s this? It’s a ____. What are these? They’re ______.