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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级下册Story time下载详情
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Step 1: Warm up

1. Self introduction: I am Miss Zhu. This is me.

Nice to meet you, boys and girls.

Welcome to my class, have fun!

2. Free talk: Nice to meet you.

How old are you?

(渗透Welcome to my class)

Teach: welcome

3. Miss Zhu likes playing games. Let’s play a game: Fruit Ninja.

If you see the words or pictures you know, please say it out. If you see a bomb, please hold your head.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Where can we see these fruits? On the farm. Teach: farm

This farm belongs to Liu Tao’s Grandpa. If we go to the farm, what will he say?

Ss: Welcome to my farm.

(展示答案)齐读Welcome to my farm.

2. On the farm, there are many animals. What are they? Listen.

(放出猪的声音) What’s this?

Ss: It’s a pig.

Now, what are these? (出示两只猪)

Ss: They’re pigs. (板书:What are these? They’re…)

Practice: These, these, what are these?

(出示两只鸭子的剪影)Now, who can try to ask?

Ss: What are these?(听鸭子的声音)

Ask 1 Student to answer: They’re ducks.

What’s that?(出示奶牛剪影)

Ss: It’s a cow.

Now, what are those?

Ss: They’re cows . (板书:What are those? They’re…)

(出示两只鸡的剪影) Now, who can try to ask?