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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级上册Part A, B, C & D下载详情
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(1) T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m your English teacher. Since I’m your new teacher, I wanna know more about you.

(2) T: Do you like mangoes/.....?

(3)T: We are friends now. Can you give me a hug?

game time

1)Quick response

Rule: If you see the animals, speak out their names, if you see the hands, clap your hands for three times.

2)Find mums

T: There are so many animals on the blackboard.There are mums and babies. But they can’t find their mums. Can you help them?


T:Wonderful! Everyone has a mun. But, how about this one? Where is her mun?

T: She is Zoe. She is a rabbit. She is lonely, she wants to find her mun.

(带读Zoe, rabbit,和lonely)

T: So today we will learn a new story, “Little Zoe looking for mum”.

Step 2 Presentation

Watch and stick

What animals does Zoe meet?

(将Zoe 遇到的动物从黑板上挑出来贴到黑板的另一侧)

2. Zoe meets a penguin

1)Q1: Can you perform how he walks?



Q2:Is penguin her mum?


教授“Are you my mum?”和 four legs

3.Zoe meets a zebra

1)Guessing time

T:Listen and guess what animal does Zoe meet?

listen and read


4.Zoe meets a tortoise and a dog