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三年级上册英语《Module B Places and activities Unit 3 My school bag Period 1 A Listen, read and say》精品课教案

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三年级上册英语《Module B Places and activities Unit 3 My school bag Period 1 A Listen, read and say》精品课教案

4. 学生学习英语,要达到学以致用的目的。教师应尽量扣住生活场景进行词汇教学,并滚动复习“What’s in your school bag /pencil box ? I have …”的句型,使学生能感受到有意义的词汇学习。 三、Teaching Objectives (教学目标) 1.Knowledge Objectives (知识目标)

1).Students will be able to listen 、speak、read and know the new words correctly “pen, pencil, book ,ruler ,crayon ,pencil box, school bag”.

(能听、说、认读本课所学关于学习用品的单词“pen, pencil, book ,ruler ,crayon ,pencil box , school bag”)

2).Students can understand 、 read and master the sentence structures “What’s in your school bag /pencil box ? I have …”correctly .

(学习句型“What’s in your school bag /pencil box ? I have … ”,进一步复习巩固所学表示学习用品的单词。)

3).Students can describe their “ items in the school bag / pencil box ” correctly .


2.Ability Objectives (能力目标)

1).Students can use “What’s in your school bag /pencil box ? I have …”to ask and answer correctly through pair work.


2).Students’ cooperative ability will be improved through group activities .


3).Students can improve their listening and speaking ability by taking part in activities .


Emotional Objectives (情感目标)

Students can have the consciousness of “cherish their school supplies ”,and have a good habit of putting them away as well .

(学生能有“珍惜学习用品”的意识,和拥有“收拾整理好自己的学习用品”的习惯。) 四、Teaching key points and difficult points (教学重点和难点) 1.Teaching key points :

1).Listen 、 speak and use the new words “pen, pencil, book ,ruler ,crayon ,pencil box, school bag”.

2).Master the new sentence structures “What’s in your school bag / pencil box ? I have …”

(教学重点:学习、掌握单词“pen, pencil, book ,ruler ,crayon ,pencil box, school bag ”和句子“What’s in your school bag /pencil box ? I have …”。)

Teaching difficult points :

. Describe “items in the school bag / pencil box ” correctly ,and pay attention to the “numbers” and “complex number”.

2). Use the new sentence structures to ask and answer in appropriate situations .

(教学难点:能正确描述“书包或者铅笔盒里的物品”,并注意“数字”和“单复数”的使用,以及把新学句型运用到生活中去。) 五、Teaching procedures (教学过程) 教学环节 教师活动 预设学生行为 设计意图