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教科EEC版三年级上册英语《Unit3 This Is My Room Class 1 Textbook p.20》优秀教学设计

1st period Pictures, VCD, gestures Step 1: Greetings

Step2: Warming-up

Somg the song “ Let’s have fun”

Step3: Leading-in

Speak the chang in Unit 2 to revise the rooms’ names.

Step4: Presentation

Play a guessing game “What is in the room?” to leading some words of funitures. If the kids guess the items in Chinese, the teacher repeat them in English one by one and show the pictures: room bed desk chair

When all the items are guessed corretly. Ask the class what room it is. (e.g. Is it a living-room?) And to describe briefly the color of each item.

Play the tape and get the children to hum the melody along with it.

Chant the scripts of the song in chorus.

Listen to the tape again. Get the children to sing after one verse by one verse. Then get the children to sing the song in groups.

Practice the song and add some gestures.

Step5: Homework: Try to sing the song to the kids’ parents.