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四年级下册英语《Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 What can you smell and taste》精品课教案

2. To encourage students to use the new words.

3. To encourage students to act out the dialogue. Language focus To use the words and phrases correctly. Teaching aids Multimedia, PPT, etc Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1. Sing a song.

2. Daily talk.

Do you like…?

Does he/she like…?

Where can we buy fruit? 1. Sing a song.

2. Answer the questions. 轻快的歌曲为课堂营造轻松的氛围。

日常对话围绕水果展开,为本课埋下伏笔。 While-task procedure 1. To teach: melon/watermelon

(1) To elicit:

Peter and his mum want to buy some fruit in the supermarket.

(2) Introduce: …, I think.

(3) Show the new words.

(4) Compare: melon and lemon.

(5) Show the short dialogue.

2. To teach: grape.

Mum: How about grapes?

(1) Show the new word.

(2) Introduce: a bunch of grapes.

(3) Show the short dialogue.

3. To teach: cherry

P: What are those near the melons?

(1) Show the new word.

(2) To elicit: cherries.

(3) Show the short dialogue.

4. To teach: strawberry