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四年级下册《UNIT 3 WHEN I GROW UP... Lesson 17》优秀教案

2. Language Strategy

Words: police officer police car police dog

direct traffic catch thieves

Sentence structure: What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a ___________.

What do police officers do?

Police officer ___________.

Teaching Difficulties:

1. The meanings of the difficult words.

2. learn to use the new sentence structures correctly.

3. Single form and plural form.

4. Talk about something about police officer.

Teaching Aids: PPT; words cards; printed pictures; videos

Police Officer

Teaching steps:

I. Warming-up

Sing a song “What do you want to be when you are older?”.

This song is about jobs. We can find many jobs in it. Let’s play a game “Who has a quicker eyes?”(Show some silhouette pictures on ppt and Ss guess what job is it.)

Review different jobs ( firefighter, singer, doctor, teacher, cook, police officer) Ss can also say “policeman or policewoman”

Teach the new word“police officer”(choose the right word)

II. Free talk

When you grow up, you can do many things you like.

Show Ss the phrase“grow up”with actions.

Picture: Look at this little boy, how old is he? (the little boy is growing up from a boy to a man .)

Free talk :Ask the Ss “What do you want to be when you grow up?”