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六年级上册《UNIT 3 INTERESTING HOLIDAYS Lesson 20》优秀教案



2.教学目标:Teaching aims:

(1)知识目标:Knowledge Objectives:

① To enable students to perceive and understand the phrases: Chinese New Year, national holiday,decorate houses,put up red lanterns, put up New Year’s picture, paper cutting and up side “Fu”, have a big family dinner, go to visit relatives and friends in the context.

② To enable students to know, read and use the sentence patterns:

(a) Chinese New Year is a big national holiday in China.

(b) It is celebrated in...

(c) The Chinese New Year is the most important festival for the Chinese people.

(d) On Chinese New Year’s Eve, people have a big family dinner.

③ To enable students to talk about the time ,symbols and activities in Chinese New Year.

(2) 能力目标:Ability Objectives:

① To enable students to describe the Chinese New Year .

② To enable student to introduce the Chinese New Year with sentences patterns.

③ To enable student to write an E-mail about Chinese New Year

(3)情感目标:Affective attitude:

① To guide students to learn more about Chinese traditional culture and customs.

② To guide students to improve the speed of reading and cultivate the spirit of self-regulated learning.

(4)现代教学手段的运用:Modern teaching methods:

Audio flies, video, flash

3.教学重点: Teaching focus:

(1)Key words: Chinese New Year, national, decorate, red

lanterns, New Year’s picture, paper cutting

and up side “Fu”, relatives

(2)Key sentences: