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六年级下册《Unit 6 My Dream Unit Review(6)》优秀教案

2) 阅读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息。

3) 通过阅读提高学生们的阅读能力。

4) 了解《西游记》中美猴王这一人物的大体情况。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。

2) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息。通过阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。

2. 教学难点:

1) 阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。

2) 理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。


Step 1 Revision

Let some Ss tell the story of Yu Gong moves a mountain.

S1: Once upon a time, there was a very old man. There were two mountains near his house. They were so big and high that it took a long way to walk to the other side.

S2: The old man told his family that they should all helped him to move the mountains.

S3: Yu Gong said they could put them into the sea because it’s big enough to hold everything.

S4: Yu Gong and his family began to move some of the soil and stone into the sea..

S5: One day a man saw Yu Gong and his children when they were working on moving the mountains.

S6: He told Yu Gong that he could never do it because he was old and weak.

S7: As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.

S8: His family would live and grow, but the mountains could not get bigger. So Yu Gong and his family kept on digging day after day and year after year.

S9: Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away.

S10: This story reminds us that you can never know what’s possible unless you try to make it happen.
