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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time下载详情
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Structure: use It’s on the… of … to express the date of the festival.

Some facts about western festivals

Culture about Halloween and other western festivals.

Teaching Difficult Points

The structure It’s on the … of … to express the date.

Culture about western festivals

Teaching Aids: PPT, computer, projectors, flowers, cards.

Teaching Process:

Warm-up Talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Are you nervous/ happy?

设计意图:虽然只是简单的问答,但是可以拉近距离,通过赞美等亲切的语言, 让学生克服公开课上的拘谨,让他们能尽快进入课堂学习。

2. Brain Storm.

T: Today we’ll continue learn Unit 7. Who can read title? --- Chinese festivals.

What Chinese festivals do you know?

S: Spring Festival./ Double Ninth Festival./ … …

T: If you want to know sth about the festival you like, what questions can we ask about it?

Ss: What festival do you like?

When is it?

What do people do at this festival?

What do people eat at this festival?

What do people say at this festival?

(Blackboard: What/ when/ what …do/eat/ say)

Pair work:

Would you please work in pairs and talk about the festival you like!

(Present some pictures of festivals. Make Ss have a mini talk.)

A: What festival is it?

B: It’s … …

A: When is it?

B: It’s in … …

A: What do people do at this festival?
