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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Story time下载详情
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Whose birthdays are they talking about?Here are three choices.A…B…C…Which one?Watch and choose!


Su Hai’s birthday is also Su Yang’s birthday,right?Why?

When ‘s Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday?When’s Mike’s birthday?Skim and scan the text,to find out the answers quickly.

Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday is on the eleventh of May.

Teach:eleven,th,eleventh.Ask some students to read.

Teach:the eleventh of May.Ask some students to read.

T-S:When ‘s Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday?When’s Mike’s birthday?板书。

When’s your birthday?Can you answer?Have a try.

Do you have a big dinner on your birthday?What do Su Hai,Su Yang and Mike do on their birthday?

Look at these activities,can you read them?Read each twice!

Here are some new phrases,let’s have a look.First one,have a party,there’s a party at Mike’s house,it’s a birthday party.

What’s in front of him,on the table?It’s a birthday cake.

Someone eat the birthday cake on birthday,some one eat noodles.

Play games,play computer games.Do you like playing games?What about Su Hai,Su Yang and Mike?

Let’s listen and tick.

What do Su and Su Yang do on their birthday?S answers,then Ss.板书。

What does Mike do on his birthday? S answers,then Ss.板书。

Su Hai and Su Yang come from China,Mike comes from the West,so they have different birthday activities on their birthdays.Now discuss the differences between the birthdays

in China and the West. What is in China and what’s in the West?

But now more and more Chinese people have a party,eat the cake on their birthdays.The birthdays in China and the West are nearly similar.

How are their birthdays?Let’s listen and read,then answer the question.Pay attention to the intonation.

How is Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday? 板书。

How isMike’s birthday? 板书。

Now read in groups,choosing the way you like.

Two groups of students show.


1. Now,can you retell the text,according to the blackboard writing?

2. Let’s retell together.