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北师大版必修五英语《Unit 13 People Lesson 3 Making Guesses about People》优秀教学设计

Teaching difficulties:

To practise using modals for speculation

Teaching Aids: computer, cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. Warming up

T: First look at the title “Making Guessing about People” Who can tell me what’s the meaning of the title?


T: “Making Guessing about people” means make a judge about people without being sure of all the facts. In daily life If we are curious or worried at somebody or something we often make various guess. Think over which words we will use when we guess what will happen? What happened?

S: must, may, may not, can, can’t and so on.

T: now we will listen to a dialogue in which there are a lot of words about speculation.


Listen to the dialogue to do the exercise

The two students were missing ______.

perhaps because they were separated from the other students.

B. in a cave.

C. for the reason we don’t know.

2. The dialogue tells us ______.

A. The two students disappeared 3 days ago.

B. My cousin know where they are

C. The rescuers found them in a cottage.

3. The dialogue makes various guessed except_________.

They must be frightened.

They both are injured.

They might have some food to eat.

Answers: 1.C 2.A 3.B