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选修九《Unit 2 Literature for Love Section 3: GRAMMAR IN USE》优秀教案

Learn about some famous navigators and explorers

Learn to express the cause and effect

Learn to use the Predicate

Write a report about a navigator or an adventurous story Ⅱ.目标语言

汇 voyage mercy encyclopedia alongside exploration minimum celestial pole equator horizon overhead seaweed nowhere offshore accelerate outward tide secure log knot nautical magnetic random awkward reference precise simplify portable shortcoming update tendency reliable swoop parcel peck cliff expedition compulsory survival incident departure crew deposit dilemma drawback dusk routine reckon reckoning starvation psychology psychologically tension gradual gradually foresee thirst tear hardship jaw background roar at the mercy of nautical mile set loose jaws of death

式 Cause & effect

Why are you...? How could you ...?

Why did you...? Because of ....

It was because.... The reason is that ....

As he.... Since she ....

Now that.... Therefore, ...

He was due to.... It is ..., so I’m afraid ....

That's why.... He .... so he is ill with fever after the voyage.

法 复习谓语(The Predicate)

So how did they navigate so well?

As you can see from the map we kept to straight course pretty well.

The tension in the boat got worse as the supply of food and water gradually disappear

So accomplished navigators were able to use it to plot their position.

Captain Cook had led three great Pacific voyages during his life.

I’ll go and get ready to begin work.