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高一上册英语《Using English: Using your dictionary》精品课教案

Emotional Objective: to help the students to know more about the culture

Teaching Procedures:

I . Pre-instruction:

T: In our daily life we often inevitably communicate with other people and can you tell me what are the common ways we use to exchange information with others?

S: utterance(spoken words)…

T: But do you know between 60-80% of our message is communicated through our Body Language, only 7-10% is attributable to the actual words of a conversation. By the way, do you have any idea of body language?


T: Body Language is the unspoken communication that goes on with another human being. It tells you their true feelings towards you. and who’d like to give us some examples of body language?


T: So you see body language sometimes discloses people’s wishes, fears or what someone gets in his mind; sometimes conveys people’s moods, now next can you tell the moods from different facial expressions? (P2. Ex.. A)


II . Performance

T: and here is a story in the text about body language, from the story we will discover how it works, why it is so important and how, with a little knowledge and understanding you can greatly change the outcome of everyday situations. Please skim the story and list the body languages between Debbie and Simon. (pair work)



body language outcome


sit up and hold head up, look at customers, always smile, turn head or body towards customers, greet cheerfully

look friendly,

make others feel welcome


rest head on hand, look downwards, never smile, never turn head or body towards customers Look unfriendly

make others go away

T: So do you think body language is very important? Your ability to read or understand a person’s body language can make difference between making a good or bad impression.

T: now use your own words to describe Debbie or Simon to your deskmate(pair work)with the help of the table. above