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人教版必修一《Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero Using LanguageⅡ》优秀教案设计

本节课的难点是最后的话题写作,为达到这一目的,先进行一些铺垫练习。本节课的教学过程的设计是通过Review the reading(on P34)→Review the key words and sentence→ How to write a great person→ Discussion→ Writing。这五大步骤来完成本单元的教学任务。采用的是读写教学法。


本节课为人教版《英语1[必修]的 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela– a modern hero》,它的话题主要是伟人的品格、生平和他们的成就。通过提供更为详细的信息,让学生了解Nelson Mandela的生平简历,也要求他们讨论发表对Nelson Mandela的看法,再用英语写一篇短文。





(3)内化所复习的词汇和句型 ,完成以本单元话题的写作任务。


Step 1 Review

Task 1 Review the reading on P34 and fill in the following passage.

Elias was a poor black worker in South Africa. When he first met Mandela he was in a difficult period of 1.______life. He began school at six. But he had to leave 2.________his family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus fare. When he got a job, he was worried _3._______being out of work because he didn’t have a passbook. Then Mandela, 4.______offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems, told him what to do and helped him. When Mandela organized the ANC Youth League, Elias 5._______(加入)it. At that time, black people couldn’t 6.______(投票)or choose their leaders, get the job they wanted and had to live in the parts of town which were decided by white people. With the help of Mandela they chose to attack the laws and fought against the white people with 7.______ (violent). In 1963 he helped 8.______ (炸毁) some government buildings, though it was 9. ______ (danger)for him, because he knew it would help them realize their dream of 10. ______ (make)black and white people equal.



Task 2 Review the key words


Life before meeting Mandela——poor, black worker, difficult, education, pay, school fees, job, passbook, out of work…

Life after meeting Mandela——help, papers, hopeful, join, Youth League, attack the laws, violence, blow up, achieve, equal…

2.Good qualities: hard-working, wise, generous, devoted, selfless, determined, willing, warm-hearted brave…

3. How to describe people's character

Positive:intelligent, bright, smart, sociable, kind-hearted, out-going, generous, sincere, frank, devoted, friendly, hard-working, ambitious, active...

Negative:brainless, quarrelsome, simple-mind, cruel, stubborn, mean, lazy, stupid, cold, selfish...



Step 2 Reading on P39