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选修十《Appendices Notes to the Texts 》优秀教案



本课授课对象为高三学生,他们已对完形填空题型很是熟悉,但对于领会抓情感线索能为做完形填空能力的提升起到促进性的作用的能力具备可探讨性;此外,在英语课上对学生进行情感态度方面的引导,提升是现代课堂的一个非常明确的教学目的。使学生在学习到完形策略的同时,对世界的认知得以提升。通过教学中的不断引导让学生穿行于逻辑思维和感性思维之间,从而达到对自己情感态度的最大程度的认知和升华。为自己的世界观价值观以及批判性思维意识认知起到很好的启迪和触动。 Ⅱ. Teaching Aims At the end of the class, students are able to

Read between lines and beyond the cloze text by getting the writer’s emotional clues;

Learn to be a critical and creative thinker.

Create 4 options with the aid of getting writer’s emotional clues. Ⅲ. Focus and Difficulties Focus: Read between lines and beyond the cloze text by getting the writer’s emotional clues;

Difficulties: Conclude a person’s qualities, grasp the writer’s changing emotional clues and create the options according to some requirements. Ⅳ. Teaching Methods 1. Task-based approach: Students are expected to achieve certain goals by finishing the tasks.

2. The situational approach: Students are activated to devote themselves into group-work. Ⅴ. Teaching Aids blackboard, a multi-media computer, PPT, handouts, paper, micro course, a flash. Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures Steps Tasks (Teacher) Students’ Activities Purposes Step 1


(3mins) 1).Share a story of three beggars

2).Make a guess Guess what the content on the board is. To arouse the students’ interests in the topic and make preparation for the following discoveries. Step 2


(10mins) 1).Ask Ss what the emotions are by showing 3 pictures.

2).Show Ss an example to find out the heroine’s emotion and quality.

3).Do a matching

4).Share a micro course

1).To have a brief idea about the writer’s emotions.

2).Analyze the situation and have a clear understanding of a person’s emotions and quality.

3).Choose the writer’s qualities according to the emotional clues.

4). Review more words about a person’s qualities they have learned in the cloze test. To activate Ss and make them eager to know something more about writer’s emotions.

To train Ss to learn to find out the theme of a passage

To cultivate brainstorm to learn more for the following practice. Step3



1).Passage practice