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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块三 Module III Broardening horizonsTask(1): Giving a talk about a historical event: Skills building 1 and 2下载详情

译林版英语模块三 Module III Broardening horizons《Unit 3 Back to the past Task(1) Giving a talk about a histo

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译林版英语模块三 Module III Broardening horizons《Unit 3 Back to the past Task(1) Giving a talk about a historical event Skills building 1 and 2》优质课教案

2 to make students be aware of the appropriate ways of performing each individual procedure and master the skills

3 to make sure students have opportunities to combine the skills they have learned with reality

4 to aid students to choose and organize the information they have got and help them complete their products

5 to enhance students’ overall abilities and improve their integrated skills

Important and difficult points:

Make students learn how to write an outline of a speech and how to host a talk about a historical event.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Get the students to know something about how to give a talk about a historical event.

Discuss the following questions in groups:

1. When you have conversations with your friends, what decides the topic you are talking about?

2. Will the topic be different if someone else joins your conversation?

3. Will the topic be different if you move to another place to talk?

4. Will it be different if you are doing something else while you are talking?

Step 2 Skills building 1

Make students know how to listen to get the main ideas, and do the listening on P52. In step1, students use the skill to listen to a conversation and find the useful expressions.

When we are listening to get the main ideas of something, we should try to find out:

how many people are talking

where they are

what they are doing

what they are talking about

Finish the listening.

Step 3 Skills building 2

Make the students how to describe pictures and try to write a description of a historical place. In step 2, write a description about the Attack on Pearl Harbor according to the information found on a website.

1. How would you describe a picture?
