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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and artTask(1): Writing a review of a book or story: Skills building 1 and 2下载详情
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模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and art《Unit 1 The written world Task(1) Writing a review of a book or story Skills building 1 and 2》优秀教案

understand the theme of the short story.

apply what they have learnt to reading stories.

Teaching Procedure:

Step1: Lead in

Step2: About the author

Read the introduction to O. Henry and his novel The Last Leaf above the reading material.

His famous works:________________________________________________________


Step3:About the story

What are the main elements to consider when reading a short novel?

Elements: ____________________; _______________________;___________________________

____________________; _______________________;____________________________

Elements: When and where did the story happen?___________________________________

Element:Who are the characters? ___________; ___________; ____________;____________

About Johnsy:

① What was Johnsy's ambition and what happened to her?

②How much chance was left for her to survive?

③ What was Johnsy doing when she looked out of the window?Why did she do so?

About Sue:

Para20: "The doctor didn't say any such thing. That is pure foolishness", said Sue. "What connection have those old leaves with your getting well? And you used to love that old vine so much. Please don't be silly! The doctor told me this morning that your chances of getting well soon were excellent. Now try to take some of your soup and let me get back to work so that I can make money to buy you some good port wine."....

About Behrman:

Behrman, an old painter, had been always dreaming of painting his ___________, but he had never yet begun it. He earned a little money by _________ as a model for young poor artists. Furthermore, he

_______whiskey to excess and talked about his coming masterpiece. He was a ________, _______ little man regarding himself as a watch-dog for the two young artists. After Johnsy's _________from pneumonia, to bring back Johnsy's will to live, he draw the last leaf at a stormy night at the ___________ of his own life---he was attacked deadly by pneumonia.

4. Element: the theme and symbol:

What does the author want to tell us through this story?
