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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and artTask(2): Writing a speech about the film industry: Skills building 3下载详情
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译林版模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and art《Unit 4 Films and film events Task(2)_ Writing a speech about the film industry_ Skills building 3》优秀教案设计

2. further grasp the key words, phrases and sentence structures by doing some writing exercises.

Learning procedures:

Step1. Before-class tasks

默写熟背《高考零距离》 M8U4重要知识点。(P303-313)

= 1 \* ROMAN I . lead-in(refer to the dictionary)

熟词生义 同根词汇(-some/ac-) 易错词汇 词组拓展 overlook






accompany broad


aboard show

length = 2 \* ROMAN II . Finish the following exercises according to the passages on P50-51 & 62-63.

Important film events around the world

Do you know anything about international film festivals? Read this transcript of a television show about films festivals. Kathy’s opinion:1 the Venice Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival only 2 small, independent films. 3 , the main 4 for being included is that the film must not be financed by Hollywood studios. 5 Maria in defense of the Venice Film Festival shows a different attitude to it. Its policy is to include high-quality films, 6 who makes them. They make no 7 on the kinds of films they show—8 a film's quality meets their standards, they include it. As for the Shanghai International Film Festival, Young 9 it is, it has earned a good 10 worldwide.

1. A. Resemble B. Unlike C. Dislike D. Different

2. A. contains B. restricts C. includes D. overlooks

3. A. That is B. In particular C. In conclusion D. On the contrary

4. A. edge B. entry C. preference D. criterion

5. A. Therefore B. But C.However D. Otherwise

6. A. Regardless of B. in light of C. with regard to D. providing that

7. A. standard B. restriction C. fantasy D. sponsor

8. A. in case of B. as far as C. as soon as D. as long as
